Steps for Desert Fun

In a hot desert there are a few things you need for survival:

  1. A safe way to leave

  2. Water

  3. A friend (don’t go to the desert alone)

  4. Snacks - you’ll likely get hungry

  5. A hat. That way you don’t need shade. You are shade.

  6. Probably other stuff I didn’t want to waste time thinking of

If you find yourself in the desert without number one, yikes. It would appear that you took an incredibly wrong turn somewhere. I’m not talking direction-wise. It would appear you took a wrong turn somewhere in your life… unless you’re coming from Burning Man, which, actually. No. You took an incredibly wrong turn. Stop reading and proceed to find any of the above, especially a friend that has a safe way to leave.

If you find yourself in the desert with all of the above. Congrats! You’re in for a fun time, but try to make sure you drink the water and eat the snacks to ensure it stays fun.

Another important note, hopefully your friend knew they were going to the desert and brought all of the above (including you). If they didn’t know they were going to the desert, shame on you. Hopefully you packed two of everything (except yourself) because you are now responsible for all of the things that happen to them in the desert. 


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